Tour in the age of whatever THIS is.

image by Autumn Lavis @ripagig
Before we begin, please do me a favor and take this two question little survey thing about what you want to see in this newsletter.
I don’t know who most of you are, which is rad, but I’d love to make things as relevant and interesting for y’all as I can.
OK. SO! Worriers’ tour was postponed. It’s happening, just not for a few months. That sucks, but we’ll be back on the road soonISH and I’m trying to focus on the positive in there.
The tour was supporting my friend Brian Fallon (the frontman of The Gaslight Anthem and a songwriter I admire quite a bit), and I had played a couple shows last month where I covered his song A Wonderful Life. The song has my favorite kind of celebratory longing for something better and the chorus ends like this:
I don’t want to survive,
I want a wonderful life.
On the best of days, that’s a beautiful and relatable lyric. But today, I don’t want to just be sitting here in an apartment being fine, I want to be with my friends and bandmates, and I want to be singing my heart out on tour. We’re all dealing with a lot of uncertainty, and our tour is the tiniest inconvenience in comparison to the effects that others are feeling right now. But there is absolutely a part of me that is laughing-into-crying about how wonderfully (horribly?) timed those lyrics are.
Speaking of wonderful-horrible timing, the record we just put out is choc full of impending apocalypse vibes. Hell, the first track is titled “End of the World.” Fun stuff. So much fun that during the one and only show on the tour that just got cancelled, I had to yell WE ARE A FUN BAND! at a heckler because seriously, I know the content of our songs is dark dude, shut the fuck up.
I had made a few pieces of artwork with lyrics along with our current motto “Have Fun. Don’t Die.” that some of you have said that you like a lot. Seems like a weird sense of humor right now, but it works?! Rather than make prints for sale or t-shirts or something, I’ve decided to make high-res versions available for download, for free, so you can print them out at home or use them as phone/desktop backgrounds, whatever you want. Also so that I don’t have to go to the post office. Just click on the image of each below and it’ll take you to the high-res version.
If you feel inclined to sell these images for whatever reason, please don’t. Feel free to share them, just tag me, please.
As always, the comment section here is wide open. Would love to hear from all of you. Take care of each other. More soon!

Links to the things I talked about above: