More of This, Please x February 2024
You're reading GET IT TOGETHER, a weekly newsletter that covers punk/indie/pop music, visual art, and related topics. I speak from a queer-feminist perspective about things that are often adjacent to my own creative practice.
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2024 is the year I catch up on my tattoo wish list. I've received a lot of great suggestions for new tattoo artists, mostly out here in Los Angeles. I want to pass along a few of my favorites.
A lot of tattoo artists also sell prints and other items so if permanent ink isn't your thing, there are usually some other ways to have their work in your life. I'm also encouraged by how easy it was for folks to come up with a long list of artists across the gender spectrum and not just cis straight men. Perfect.
This month's edition of More of This, Please is for the one really "nice thing" I invest in sometimes: tattoos.
Em Scott - @emmscottla
A couple of weeks ago I finally got Lucy's name tattoo'd on my arm. Lucille. See photo above. I wanted to have it done by someone specializing in typography and script work. Em's work is amazing and she hand-drew the lettering onto my arm. Right on the spot. Lucy can't come with us on this next tour but maybe this is my way of bringing her with me. Em is based in Los Angeles but travels quite a bit so keep an eye out for appointments closer to you, if you like her work!

Sara Lou - @saraloutattoo
I've been looking for an artist to do a complementary plant sleeve on my right arm to pair well with the magnolias I have on my left arm. Enter, Sara Lou! As soon as we're home from tour we get started. 🎉

Bella - @kayabi_art
Los Angeles-based tattoo artist whose engraving style I'm really into right now. I'm working on getting a piece done by them this spring, potentially.

Funky Boy Tattoo - @funky_boy_tattoo
A tattoo artist from the Netherlands. I'm drawn to the graphic and brushed-ink quality to his work. Euro tour tattoo, one day?

Nick Vargas - @nickvarg77
Based in Santa Cruz, I really like the thick linework, playful style and use of patterns in their work!

Happy Fish Head - @happyfishhead
Two shrimp next to each other that look like a heart? Sure. A goldfish blowing a bubble-gum bubble? Absolutely. A fish with a cat head? Why not. Kat's tattoos are light hearted and a bit surreal and saturated with color. Most of my tattoos are black or fairly subdued color but their work makes me want a bright teal one on my arm. Just the color alone is amazing.

Harriet Lowther - @harriet_lowther
Not a tattoo artist but someone who's work I would gladly get as a tattoo, Harriet Lowther, for lack of a better description, draws weird dogs looking both adorable and crazed. I'm in love with all of them.

ICYMI Worriers is leaving for tour with Alkaline Trio and Drug Church in 12 days. We're on every single one of the below tour dates. Grab a ticket while you still can - a lot of them are low-ticket alerting!

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