A year of No Days Off

I haven't really been updating the No Days Off playlist much during quarantine. It was based around folks we were touring with, or bands I was listening to as a result of that, and it was difficult to think about those connections for obvious reasons. I'm excited about a bunch of new records right now, and tour announcements are like a light at the end of the tunnel, so it felt appropriate to do a bit of a refresh.
As far as new records are concerned, I added songs from Rosie Tucker, Julien Baker, Bartees Strange, Manchester Orchestra, and Dinsoaur Jr, among others. Rosie Tucker played with us the last time Worriers played Los Angeles and their set was amazing. The past year and a half has let me reconnect with some old friends, so I added some songs from way back like P.S. Eliot and Bent Outta Shape, plus some songs from our new EP.
Top 5 Things Currently (in no particular order)
- Jo Firestone in Shrill - I already knew that Jo Firestone was a national comedy treasure thanks to my days working the door at Union Hall and watching The Chris Gethard Show. There are so many things about Shrill that I love, and that other people have analyzed in depth, but I just wanted to give an extra round of applause to Jo. Her performances reminded me of scene stealing along the lines of Mary Holland in Happiest Season.
- Stay And Fight by Madeline Ffitch - I'm about half-way through this book, the first work of fiction I've read in quite a while. I hadn't heard of it until it was directly recommended to me and I don't even think it was recommended because it involves lesbians living collectively in the woods. So basically, I love it. It feels like a book that would be included in a Southern Women Writers course, except it's set in Appalachia. I also just found out it's the author's debut novel! 🤯
- Brene Brown interviewing Samin Nosrat - I recently watched chef Samin Nosrat's show Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat and really enjoyed it if only for her endearing personality and sheer joy about eating. Put that together with Brene Brown asking her questions about her life and motivations and experience with food and I'm SOLD. You know that joke in Wine Country where they all freak out because Brene Brown is in the restaurant? Yeah, I really enjoyed that. That joke was for me.
- A wider conversation about what's happening in Palestine and the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism (which are not the same thing). I'm not going to attempt to explain that here, but I'm glad to see more people I know interrogating the political relationship between the US and Israel, along with the government of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, and speaking up. Here's an infographic with more information on how you can support folks in Palestine.
- Still Here Still Life Challenge as drawn by your friend and mine, Augusta Koch (Gladie, Cayetana). She posted one to her stories today and it just seems so effortlessly great. It just makes me really happy? Everyone needs some bright spots right now and her work is one of mine. Augusta has also taken up making stained glass pieces (yeah, no big deal) and you can see more of those at her instagram @looking.glass.by.gus.
Lastly, to continue my streak of illustrating most of these posts I updated last week's piece in memory of Jack Terricloth with a new illustration. If you missed it and don't already listen to World/Inferno Friendship Society, it's worth your time! RIP Jack. 🖤