Thankful for survival tbh

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πŸ“’ Worriers lyric sheets are now available for pre-order! Limited to 35 but you can pick whatever song you want and I'll write it out for you. They'll ship by December 10.

Despite the irreconcilable nature of this week's holiday, in light of this country's continued colonialist project, I do believe that most people in my life are well intentioned and just looking for any excuse to celebrate the good things right now. A practice of gratitude seems necessary for survival.

There's lots that I'm thankful for, mostly how much people in my life have shown up for me - how we continue to show up for each other. But it's harder to look past how everything else seems to be working against people.

I want this space to be one of positivity, but believe me a solid amount of my time is spent in the "we are totally fucked" brain space.

Things I've been thinking about recently:

I think shifting my mindset, practicing gratitude, and trying to find a way forward are all important elements to creating change. But not to the point of complacency. I'm still frustrated and angry at so many things that I don't want to understate them just so I'm not the downer. That's one of the only positive things I'm still taking from growing up in the punk scene - pointing out injustice and the reality of the world around us, no matter how uncomfortable.

I'm sitting in the "screaming into a pillow" zone for a moment while knowing it doesn't negate the good things happening right now - see above photo of the view 30 minutes from my doorstep. Tonight I'll watch the sun set over Jumbo Rocks and find the next five feet in front of me. We'll keep going somehow and be thankful we can fight another day for so so many things that need fixing.

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