How's this scheme to send you snail mail? 🥳 💌

A couple months ago I mentioned to y'all that I wanted to get a PO Box to trade zines and things. It made me think about how much I miss printed matter as a THING. I enjoy that format more than just throwing words out onto the internet. I hate having to be a part of the scroll, and you probably don’t love it either.

In addition to a PO Box, and more intentional communication, I could also use more structure. I work best with self-imposed deadlines. With that in mind, I've decided to spell out really clearly what you'll be getting when you sign up for the paid version of Get It Together. I want this newsletter zone to be my primary way to share things with folks who are actually interested and not have it determined by a constantly changing algorithm.

So here’s my new subscription situation!


In addition to the free weekly emails, each month you’ll get at least:

  • One start-to-finish process video of a drawing or painting
  • One video of me playing a cover or alternate version of a Worriers song
  • One How-To post or a walkthrough of how to play a Worriers song
  • One separate life/work update with what I've been working on, including work in progress, demos, home recordings for shits and giggles, etc.

You also get:

  • Advance access to purchase limited edition things like record pressings, original artwork, limited merch, etc. Last time we did that with a record, it sold out in less than 24 hours, which still amazes me.
  • Access to all previous subscriber-only posts

$100/year (the yearly subscription!)

Each month you’ll get:

  • All of the above
  • A physical object from me 4 times per year! The first year's set is going to be four 7” flexi records with demos from You or Someone You Know along with their own zine w/ lyrics, artwork, how-to’s, resources, etc. This flexi+zine combo will not be for sale separately anywhere else.

If you already signed up for a yearly subscription, this still includes you for no extra cost. I'll be sending out an email asking for everyone’s mailing address LATER.

**The first flexi + zine will be sent out in mid-September!**

$130/year and up

If you're feeling really generous and care THAT much, this subscription level will get you all of the above plus the tour pressing of our new LP You Or Someone You Know and the “Have Fun. Don’t Die.” koozie set. 🚨There are only 40 of these spots available.🚨

If you already subscribe monthly, and want to bump it up a level, just email and they can make it happen!

Bringing it full circle, here's my new PO Box! If snail mail is your jam, I love postcards and zines and keeping the USPS in business.

PO Box 4684, Valley Village, CA 91617

Thanks so much to everyone for the continued support while my bandmates and I are adjusting to life without tour. This newsletter is something I’ve loved doing for over a year now, and I’m excited to be adding some fun things to it thanks to 6131 Records. See y’all next week!

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